Homemade Granola Recipe


Granola Recipe

Serves approx. 1L of granola

Preheat the oven to 175 * C

250 g Oatmeal
70 g Sunflower seeds
50 g Sesame seeds
70 g Almonds
70 g Hazelnuts
30 g coconut meat
1 tsp grounded cinnamon
2 tbsp coconut oil
2 tbsp honey
70 g Raisins
70 g Cranberries

Mix oats, seeds and nuts (I like to chop the nuts a bit) and coconut meat, add the mixture on a roasting pan and add the cinnamon, coconut oil, and honey, leave in the oven for about 10min. Remember to mix it frequently, so it does not burn and also, so the coconut oil and honey blends in well. Take out the mixture when it looks golden (about 10min.), Then add the raisins and cranberries and mix together!
You´ve now made homemade granola 🙂


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